Monday, June 11, 2012

First Communion!!

On May 12, 2012 Emma had her First Communion.  I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.  She did so great.  It was a little crazy though, as her First Communion class had 92 students.  They even had a special mass just for First Communion on a Saturday morning.

Emma did great she was not nervous at all. I am so proud of her and she looked beautiful.  Afterwards we went home and hung outside all day swimming!!! It was a great day!

First Birthday Celebrations!!

Isabella turned one on May 13, 2012 which was Mother's day so we had our own little celebration at our house with just our family, we opened presents and then we headed to the beach for a couple of hours since Bella LOVES the beach!!

On May 19, 2012 we had Bella's big Birthday Bash!!! We had a ton of people over we ate sandwiches, and cake, and had some fun with a pinata.  Bella really wasn't feeling well and was a little over whelmed with all the people but we all had a great time and are so thankful that so many friends were able to come, since we do not have any family in the area.  Bella got a ton of gifts both from everyone at the party and in the mail for those who weren't able to make it.  She is one Loved Baby!!!

Happy First Birthday Isabella!