Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Isabella Jean Rios
May 13, 2012
12 Months

at 12 months you are

*walking!!!!! It is sooo cute, you are a very good walker and walk everywhere.
*talking, or at least saying words, nini (you want your blankets), hunry (hungry) wa wa (drink), mama, dada, up,
* you know what outside is and want to out all the time and if it is raining or we can't go out you cry
*Love, Love, Love your daddy as soon as he gets home from work and weekend you two are attached!
*tried regular milk and it upsets your tummy :(
*sleeping a little better usually just waking up once around 230
*going to bed around 8-and waking up around 630 am.
*takes two naps one in the morning at 9 am and one in the afternoon at 230 pm.
*loves the pantry and always try to get snacks out, we have to make sure we close it.
*opens cupboards in kitchen but are pretty good if we say no, we haven't had to put locks on them yet.
*favorite video right now is Curious Buddies, other than that and Baby Einstein you really don't like TV
*Loves the beach, we went for your first birthday you had the best time.
*has 5 teeth!! Two on bottom and three on top and one more trying to come through
*you Loath the Dr's office as soon as you see a nurse or anyone touches you, you start crying and don't stop until we leave
*still on your medicine and take it well everyday...1 more year!
*favorite snack is Goldfish

Wow, I could probably think of a million other things about you because everyday we find something new about you!!  We love that you are walking because you are seriously the cutest, shortest little walker!!! We can't believe your ONE!!! What a crazy fast but fun year, can't wait for the next one! Love you Bella Boo!
