Sunday, April 29, 2012

11 Months!!

Isabella Jean Rios
11 Months
April 13, 2012

Oh My Gosh, you are 11 months old already, that means in one month you will be a year old!!! Time is flying by so fast.  Here are some things you are doing at 11 Months.

  • can stand up in the middle of the floor and you do this several times a day
  • has taken 1-3 steps but not more, after that you go on your knees to crawl
  • has pretty much given up on baby food, you like anything that isn't pureed!
  • favorite snack foods are goldfish and Cheese Its.
  • still not sleeping at night, waking up between 2-4 times!
  • has some major teeth coming in, already have two on bottom and getting 5 on top all at once!
  • you are building you vocabulary, so far, Ab ( for Abby), wawa (water), papa (food), dada, mama (not very often), nini (to got to bed)
  • loves to be outside and for her big brother to push her in her red car.
  • doesn't really play with toys, just picks them up and throws them, really you are a tornado
  • has figured out how to open the kitchen cupboards and you just take everything in them out
  • really starting to play with Noah while the girls are at school, you guys are becoming best buds!
  • loves your daddy during the day, but during the night you want nothing to do with him, and you are all about mommy!
You are seriously growing so fast!!! Soon you will be walking and talking and your brother and sisters are so excited for this!! We Love you SO very much Isabella Jean!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Abby's Birthday Celebration!!

On March 25, 2012 Abigail turned 6 and we just had a small family celebration complete with Ice Cream Cake, games, and balloons!

We had a great day, we played some games with prizes, we ate cake and ice cream, opened presents and played in the sprinkler outside!! It was a fun filled day for sure!  Here are a few pictures of our day!