Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Last Day of School!!

I know I am really behind on my blog post, I think I kinda took a break over the summer!  But now are schedules are back so hopefully I will be more regular at it.

June 6, 2012 Last Day of School!!!  Emma completed 2nd grade and Abby Kindergarten.  I am so proud of them and their accomplishments.

First Day of School, August 2011

 Last Day of School, June 2012

Now on to summer!!!


I Love this Girl!!!

Her smile is so infectious, she has brought so much joy into our life and we are having so much fun watching her grow!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

First Communion!!

On May 12, 2012 Emma had her First Communion.  I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.  She did so great.  It was a little crazy though, as her First Communion class had 92 students.  They even had a special mass just for First Communion on a Saturday morning.

Emma did great she was not nervous at all. I am so proud of her and she looked beautiful.  Afterwards we went home and hung outside all day swimming!!! It was a great day!

First Birthday Celebrations!!

Isabella turned one on May 13, 2012 which was Mother's day so we had our own little celebration at our house with just our family, we opened presents and then we headed to the beach for a couple of hours since Bella LOVES the beach!!

On May 19, 2012 we had Bella's big Birthday Bash!!! We had a ton of people over we ate sandwiches, and cake, and had some fun with a pinata.  Bella really wasn't feeling well and was a little over whelmed with all the people but we all had a great time and are so thankful that so many friends were able to come, since we do not have any family in the area.  Bella got a ton of gifts both from everyone at the party and in the mail for those who weren't able to make it.  She is one Loved Baby!!!

Happy First Birthday Isabella!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Isabella Jean Rios
May 13, 2012
12 Months

at 12 months you are

*walking!!!!! It is sooo cute, you are a very good walker and walk everywhere.
*talking, or at least saying words, nini (you want your blankets), hunry (hungry) wa wa (drink), mama, dada, up,
* you know what outside is and want to out all the time and if it is raining or we can't go out you cry
*Love, Love, Love your daddy as soon as he gets home from work and weekend you two are attached!
*tried regular milk and it upsets your tummy :(
*sleeping a little better usually just waking up once around 230
*going to bed around 8-and waking up around 630 am.
*takes two naps one in the morning at 9 am and one in the afternoon at 230 pm.
*loves the pantry and always try to get snacks out, we have to make sure we close it.
*opens cupboards in kitchen but are pretty good if we say no, we haven't had to put locks on them yet.
*favorite video right now is Curious Buddies, other than that and Baby Einstein you really don't like TV
*Loves the beach, we went for your first birthday you had the best time.
*has 5 teeth!! Two on bottom and three on top and one more trying to come through
*you Loath the Dr's office as soon as you see a nurse or anyone touches you, you start crying and don't stop until we leave
*still on your medicine and take it well everyday...1 more year!
*favorite snack is Goldfish

Wow, I could probably think of a million other things about you because everyday we find something new about you!!  We love that you are walking because you are seriously the cutest, shortest little walker!!! We can't believe your ONE!!! What a crazy fast but fun year, can't wait for the next one! Love you Bella Boo!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

11 Months!!

Isabella Jean Rios
11 Months
April 13, 2012

Oh My Gosh, you are 11 months old already, that means in one month you will be a year old!!! Time is flying by so fast.  Here are some things you are doing at 11 Months.

  • can stand up in the middle of the floor and you do this several times a day
  • has taken 1-3 steps but not more, after that you go on your knees to crawl
  • has pretty much given up on baby food, you like anything that isn't pureed!
  • favorite snack foods are goldfish and Cheese Its.
  • still not sleeping at night, waking up between 2-4 times!
  • has some major teeth coming in, already have two on bottom and getting 5 on top all at once!
  • you are building you vocabulary, so far, Ab ( for Abby), wawa (water), papa (food), dada, mama (not very often), nini (to got to bed)
  • loves to be outside and for her big brother to push her in her red car.
  • doesn't really play with toys, just picks them up and throws them, really you are a tornado
  • has figured out how to open the kitchen cupboards and you just take everything in them out
  • really starting to play with Noah while the girls are at school, you guys are becoming best buds!
  • loves your daddy during the day, but during the night you want nothing to do with him, and you are all about mommy!
You are seriously growing so fast!!! Soon you will be walking and talking and your brother and sisters are so excited for this!! We Love you SO very much Isabella Jean!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Abby's Birthday Celebration!!

On March 25, 2012 Abigail turned 6 and we just had a small family celebration complete with Ice Cream Cake, games, and balloons!

We had a great day, we played some games with prizes, we ate cake and ice cream, opened presents and played in the sprinkler outside!! It was a fun filled day for sure!  Here are a few pictures of our day!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Abby turns 6!!!!!

Abigail Sophia Rios
March 25, 2012
6 years old!!!

Some things about you as you turn 6!!!

- You are the most carefree kid I know. we love your laid back easy going attitude.
-You LOVE chocolate!
-You are not a breakfast person
-You are our night owl!
- You still have your two front teeth missing and your smile is sooo cute
-You love your baby sister and tell her every single day that she is the cutest baby!
-You sometimes call your brother, "papi"- when you laugh you've got a laugh that always makes mommy and daddy laugh
- you sleep like a crazy woman. Everytime daddy checks on you before going to bed your legs are hanging from your bed, you are sleeping sideways, or a couple of times completely off your bed
- you love all your lilttle stuffed animals and have to sleep with 1, 2 or 35 of them
- you are such a good little girl at school we are always told how good you are
- you love being outside--mommy and daddy love seeing you ride your bike. You start daydreaming and can't ride straight
- you and Noah are best buds but also worst enemies. Emma recently married you guys
- daddy tells you every night that you give the best hugs in the world

Overall you are our darling little girl with a golden smile, crazy hair and super imagination.  We love you to pieces!  HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY ABBY!!

-Mom and Dad!