Sunday, November 6, 2011

5 Months!!

Isabella Jean Rios
5 Months
October 13, 2011

Isabella at 5 Months! She has started eating cereal and bananas, loves the bananas and hates the cereal!!!! She is still the happiest baby on earth!!! She is almost sitting up all on her own, she plays alot! and likes to watch Baby Einstein and gets really excited when I turn the DVD on.  She LOVES to go for walks when it is not hot out. She is starting to play more and more everyday with her brother and she is drooling like crazy!!! I swear a tooth is going to pop through any day now!  I am enjoying every single moment I have with her!  I have learned since this is my last kid I need to savour the moments I have with her and that is exactly what I am doing, the dishes, laundry and other stuff can wait! She is growing up way to fast!  We Love you Bella Boo!!!
