Sunday, March 25, 2012

Abby turns 6!!!!!

Abigail Sophia Rios
March 25, 2012
6 years old!!!

Some things about you as you turn 6!!!

- You are the most carefree kid I know. we love your laid back easy going attitude.
-You LOVE chocolate!
-You are not a breakfast person
-You are our night owl!
- You still have your two front teeth missing and your smile is sooo cute
-You love your baby sister and tell her every single day that she is the cutest baby!
-You sometimes call your brother, "papi"- when you laugh you've got a laugh that always makes mommy and daddy laugh
- you sleep like a crazy woman. Everytime daddy checks on you before going to bed your legs are hanging from your bed, you are sleeping sideways, or a couple of times completely off your bed
- you love all your lilttle stuffed animals and have to sleep with 1, 2 or 35 of them
- you are such a good little girl at school we are always told how good you are
- you love being outside--mommy and daddy love seeing you ride your bike. You start daydreaming and can't ride straight
- you and Noah are best buds but also worst enemies. Emma recently married you guys
- daddy tells you every night that you give the best hugs in the world

Overall you are our darling little girl with a golden smile, crazy hair and super imagination.  We love you to pieces!  HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY ABBY!!

-Mom and Dad!

10 Months!

Isabella Jean Rios
10 Months

At 10 Months you are

- standing on your own
- walking along furmiture
- daddy predicts you will walk very soon
- not liking baby food too much...loves Chickfila and any "real" food!
- getting into everything, cords outlets, we have never had to baby proof anything with three kids, but now we do!
- favorite thing is the dishwasher no matter where you are in the house once you her the dishwasher open you crawl like crazy to get to it
- spits out food when you are done
- loves the beach and being outside
- two naps a dy
- going to bed around 730 pm and waking up around 630 am
- not saying much but can tell us what a lion says, and sometimes dada, quack quack, wa wa, pa pas

you are growing so fast..soon you will be walking and chasing after uour big brother and sisters...they can't wait!!!

We love you Bella Boo!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

9 Months!

Isabella Jean Rios
February 13, 2012
9 Months

At 9 months you:

- crawling all over the place
-pull youself to standing position
-taking 2 naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon
-going to bed at around 7:30 pm
-still waking up between 2 and 4 time every night
-working on two bottom teeth but they haven't stuck through yet
-loves to be outside
-loves playing with Emma, she always makes you smile no matter what!
-picking up everything and anything on the floor and putting in your mouth...We really have to watch you!

You are changing every day!  Still not talking much but we can tell you are going to be a handful once you start walking, you are into EVERYTHING!!

We Love you Bella Boo!!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Isabella Jean Rios
8 Months
January 13, 2011

At 8 Months You:
  • are almost crawling, you kinds lie on your belly and pull yourself with your hands, you get up on all fours but go onto your belly to move
  • standing on your knees in your crib so we have to make sure we put up the side ALL the time
  • are saying the sounds, dada, nini, mama (only when you are mad)
  • are still drooling like crazy but still have no teeth
  • eating like crazy too!  You love anything we give you and have started feeding yourself with Gerber puffs
  • we found out that you have a condition called Renal Reflux and need to be on long term antibiotics, but you are doing completely fine!
  • still LOVE bathtime and being outside and you love to do patty cake 
You are growing SOOOO fast, I sometimes wish you would slow down a little, but you are so fun to be around and we all love watching how much you are changing and the new things you are learning everyday. We Love you Bella Boo!


Noah Turns 4!!!!

Noah Patrick Rios
November 30, 2011
4 Years OLD!

Our little man turned 4 on November 30, 2011 and we have started this new tradition that we take the kids shopping on their birthday but Noah didn't want us to, so each of the kids got him a present, we had a little party at home, just us.  We had a great time and right before his birthday we went to Seaworld so he thought that was because of his birthday:)

At 4 years old you:

  • are super smart, you have outgrown you puzzle making phase but now you are all about coloring!!
  • you love to play on mommmy's phone or the ipad or the computer, you are very savvy when it comes to electronics, we really don't know how you do it sometimes.
  • you LOVE your sisters and always want to play with them
  • you always want mommy or daddy to sleep in  your room with you even though we never do!
  • you always need a glass of water right next to your bed
  • you LOVE to dance!
  • you can ride a bike with training wheels
  • can't swim yet but we are going to work on that this summer
  • you went through a matching phase were everything you wore had to be the exact same color, and you would call it blue day or gray day but have kinda outgrown that and don't do it much any longer
  • Daddy is your all time best buddy and you two have your own secret bedtime handshake
  • you have started to get a little attitude and have a temper, in which you will stomp in your room and close your door or scream at the top of your lungs and say, "I am so mad at you"
You are and will always be our "little buddy" even though you are getting older by the second.  And even though you can be a little stinker at times we love you to pieces!!! Happy Birthday Buddy! We love you!



October 2, 2011
Lake City, IA
Godparents, Dana Larson and Daniel Smith

While back in Iowa for my sisters wedding we decided to get Bella Baptized since her Godparents were her Aunt Dana and Uncle Daniel both from Lake City.  The Baptism was October 2, 2011, the day after the wedding!! There were a ton of people there and Bella did so well!! She was a little cranky because it was nap time.  It was really nice to be surrounding by our family and so many of them during a special time like this!!!