Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Half Birthday Bella!!

For all of our kids we celebrate their "half" birthday! When they turn 6 months old we have a little cake and one present, it is super fun, the kids had a blast in helping out with Bellas.  All of our other kids hated cake at 6 months, and Bella dug right in, she loved it!!!

6 Months!!!

Isabella Jean Rios
November 13, 2011
6 Months!

At 6 months you are sitting up all by yourself!!! Drooling everywhere we are sure a tooth is about to poke through any day now!  You are eating any type of baby food, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, pears, apples, peaches, oatmeal, and bananas! And it is all homemade by your mommy and you LOVE all of it!  You are still not sleeping through the night waking up about every 4 hours to eat!! You go to bed around 630-7 and wake up around 6 am!!! You are still all smiles and we love you to pieces!!!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Halloween 2011!

Halloween 2011

We had a great Halloween this year, the weather was awesome, the kids were all old enough (except Bella) to really enjoy it.  We walked around the neighborhood for about 2 hours the kids got way too much candy! But they had a great time.  Even Bella got a few pieces of candy!! Here are some pictures of our night.

(please ignore the picture of me...) We have Bella our little strawberry
Noah, our vampire, Abby our Alien, and Emma Frankie Stein from Monster High.
They all picked out their own costumes this year!! 

The kids giving us their scary face!!!

Bella's first Halloween!!!

Our first house...they had the candy outside the front door
and it said take one! Bella was more interested in
the bucket than the candy!

Emma as Frankie Stein.

Everyone loved Abby's Alien costume!

Noah our Vampire!

We hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween this year!!
