Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fun on the Farm!!!

We have been at the farm in Lake City, IA for a little over 3 weeks now and we have been non stop...the kids are having a great time catching up with the whole family and getting to know everyone again.  Emma even asked me the other day if we had any cousins in FL because she is having so much fun.  Here are some pictures of our first week here.

abby with her cousin Natalie in Ankeny, IA

emma driving around her cousin brody and noah

noah playing with his new best friend carlos!

Darcy and her adorable little great niece Chloe

noah having some fun at the lake city pool

noah and abby picking some of aunt dee's strawberries...I think Noah was eating them as fast as they could pick them

more fun at the pool

one of the kids favorite things to do...riding the 4-wheeler with daddy

a very tired little boy, just crashed on the much playing!!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer...I hope to have more postings soon, as we have been doing a lot!!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sergio, my awesome husband, got us a house in Miami! I Love him so very much!

Click on the title of this post to see more pics!!!

There are many challenges with being in the military (lots of hours, time away from loved ones and in this case our 5th move in 10 years. However, we would not be where we are today without the loving support of a wonderful wife and very understanding kids. Hope you guys like the house! Love, Dad!

Side View of HouseFront View of House