Friday, January 29, 2010

Emma...the meaning is "whole or complete"  to us she is sweet, kind, helpful, happy, a little high maintenance, and at times goofy.  Here are some things about our little Emma who is not so little anymore!!

  • she is 5 1/2 yrs old
  • she sometimes acts just like her dad, as you can see in the picture!
  • her favorite subject in school is math, she loves adding
  • every single night she ASKS to go to bed (usually around 730-800)
  • she has seconds every single night for dinner
  • she likes to be in control
  • she always eats the healthy food on her plate before the junk food (she will eat turkey sandwich before she eats her chips)
  • always asks me if a certain food is healthy or not
  • LOVES snow
  • LOVES sunshine
  • every single night before bed I HAVE to say I will give her a hug and kiss before I go to bed, if I don't she cannot go to sleep
  • her best friend is our old neighbor Livia
  • loves hearing Children Bible stories, and wants me to read her one every night.
  • loves McDonalds cheeseburgers, and takes little bites when she eats them, because she says she doesn't want to eat it all because it is so good, she savors every bite.
  • she has the craziest hair in the world!!! It cannot be tamed!
  • likes to do anything "mom" likes to do
  • hates it when Daddy goes on a trip...cries every time
  • LOVES Jazz class, and asks me all the time if it is Wednesday yet.
  • she just learned how to use Heely's and will wear them and skate for about 5 hours every day in the house. (thank goodness for tile floors)
  • hates dissapointing mom.
  • loves to make her mom happy, and will help clear table, pick up toys, etc without being told
There are a billion  more things about Emma, but these are just a few...She is such a happy girl, who loves her brother and sister to death!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Swim Day!!!

So...the weather around here has been very very gloomy, like I am talking no sun for about 3 weeks maybe longer I kinda lost count.  I can tell a difference in the kids when we don't see sunshine for this long, so I asked Abby what would make her feel better and she said going swimming, well I can't really take all 3 kids swimming by myself, so I THOUGHT I had a wonderfull idea by bringing in the outdoor plastic pool into the house.  We have tile floors so I thought what could it hurt right?  Well the kids loved it and had a great time, Noah didn't quite get it why he couldn't be throwing water outside the pool.  About an hour into it I noticed a pool of water on the floor, well it turns out the pool had a small hole, so I just put towels around it, by the end of the day it was getting worse so we had to take it out, lesson learned!!!  Anyways it did lift their spirits they had a good time, they even pretended the sun was out, they were wearing sunglasses, sun hats and were laying out!!

The Girls' Dresses!!!!

On February 13, 2010, is the Father-Daughter Ball on Ramstein.  Last Year some of you recall Sergio took Emma. She had a blast, well this  year Sergio is taking both Abby and Emma...So I decided since I am sewing that I would make their dresses, I thought it wouldn't be that hard, right??? looked way easier than it was, for Emma's dress alone, I used 4.5 yards, YARDS!!! of chiffon, that is ALOT, anyways here they are the girls LOVE them!!! (sorry for the messy hair, it was Saturday morning!!!)

They are very twirly skirts, Abby kept on asking me if she could put on her dress and "twirdle"  so here they are "twirdling"

I hope you all like them!! I know the girls do!!  Oh and we found a matching tie for Sergio to wear, I can't wait they are going to look sooo cute!!!


Thursday, January 14, 2010


I haven't blogged in awhile because we really haven't done anything lately.  We are saving up for our trip to Rome in Feb or March so we have been staying home alot and playing out in the snow alot.  Yes, we finally got some snow, quite a bit of it too!! Emma loves it she will just go outside and roll around in it, she cracks me up. I have been spending my time trying to catch up on scrapbooking, I want to be caught up by the time we move, right now I have all three kids caught up until March 09...ugh I have a lot more to do.  Also the father daughter ball on base is coming up in Feb so I have decided to make Abby's and Emma's dresses.  After laying out the 4.5 yards of chiffon of Emma's dress, I asked myself  what had I gotten myself into, but it is almost done and is looks cute!! You will see pictures up soon.

On another note...Everytime the kids say something funny I try to write it down so I do'nt forget it, so here is a list of some of the wacky things they say...the is probably about a months worth. 

While driving past the hospital where Noah was born...
Emma, "Abby you can have  a baby too when you get older"
Abby, "No, Emma, I am going to have a car"
Emma, "Abby, you can just have the van when you get older, if we still have it"

(I like the way Emma thinks)

While sitting on the couch watching "The Grinch who Stole Christmas"
Abby, "Do we have balls inside us?" Pointing to her forehead
Me, "no, Abby we do not have balls inside us"
Abby, "We just have bones?, what else do we have?"
Me, "Yes, we have bones and muscles and blood"
Abby, "and water"
Me, "Yes Abby we do have water, very good"
Abby, "Yeah, because of  the swimming pool"

Emma was getting Noah some lunch...

Emma, "Noah do you want this cheese, with holes in it, the kind that mice eat?
Noah, "Yeah"

Waiting in traffic to get off base,
Abby, "mom, just drive on top of the cars"
Me, "Abby I can't just drive on the cars, I have to wait"
Abby, "mom, just do it"

Eating French Fries
me, "Emma do you like those french fries?"
Emma, "yes, don't you"
Me, "no, i think they taste gross"
Emma, "Mom, you are out of your mind"

On a side note, Abby informed us this morning that she wants to be a sander when she grows up!!!

Hope everyone is having a good week, and I hope the snow has finally stopped for all of you in Iowa.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A future Seamstress???

I think we have a future seamstress on our hands! Ever since I got my new sewing machine for Christmas Emma has been asking if she could sew, so I let her do it for a little while the other day all by herself, she loved it. So we decided to put Sewing into our curriculum at school for Fridays.  Ever since I told her that she asks every day if it is sewing class!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!! It has been slow going for us, getting back into the swing of things after a 2 week break from school and activities, but we are getting there, Hopefully soon we will find out where we are headed to next!!!



The weekend after Christmas, we needed to get out of the house, if you know our family, you know we are always on the we decided to go to an indoor snow hall.  It was about an hour and half from our house, and it was indoors, they had a small hill for sledding, a bigger hill for children's skiing and a really big hill for adult skiing.  Sergio decided to snowboard but after one pass down the kiddie hill, he decided to switch to skiis. This was Emma's first time skiing, she had a blast and didn't want to leave.  Abby also had a blast sledding the entire time, nonstop.  Noah on the other hand was not too happy, he was cold and kept on crying that his ear hurt, well come to find out on Monday that he had two ear infections, whoops!! Despite that we had a great time.  These are some photos of our adventure.

All ready to go!

And she is off!!! She did great, even when she did fall!!!

This was Abby's face the whole time!!! And this was Noah's face the whole time!!!


I have been doing LOTS of Sewing lately, Sergio bought me an awesome sewing machine for xmas and it makes sewing that much easier so therefore I am addicted even more to sewing.  Here are some things I have been working on.
Skirts for the girls, I had some left over fabric so I made a little skirt for their babies


Christmas outfits for the girls, I bought the shirts at a German store here for 2 Euros and cut a Christmas tree out of the fabric I had and sewed it on!!

PJ's for everyone, I made each of them flannell pj pants and then I bought plain shirts again and used my "new" sewing machine and embroidered their names of their shirts, Noah says "mocos" which is what we call him!! They look so cute on Christmas morning with their matching pj's!!

I got this Womans tank top at the thrift store for $1, and turned it into this...

A summer dress for Emma!! I even made a mini verson of the same thing for her doll with the fabric I cut off, this took me a total of about 10 mins to do!! SOOO Easy!

Another repurpose....This is a tube top type thing I never wear, so I turned it into this

A cute sundress for Abby, I took on of Sergio's white tshirts, cute two strips of it, sewed down the middle of the strips to create ruffles and attached to the tube top, and now it is a dress for Abby, which she LOVES!

I turned this old sweater of mine into leggings for Emma, I just cut off the sleeves and used them as the legs and put some elastic in the waist

This skirt is also from on of my old sweaters, I guess I forgot to take a picture of the sweater, but I used the bottom hem of the sweatere for the bottom of the skirt, cut a square our of the sweater sewed up the side and added elastic to the waist.


                            My last project right now to show you, diapers for Abby's baby, soooo easy!!